Friday, February 8, 2008

The Unsuggester

One fun feature on LibraryThing is the Unsuggester -- it looks at what you've been reading and suggests books you should definately stay away from! It really works! From the small amount of books I've listed on LT it unsuggested Thud, by Terry Pratchett. As fate would have it, that is a science fiction book I am trying to read! I can tell if I could/would read science fiction this is one I would enjoy. But... there are too many characters, doing too many wierd things... I just can't follow the plot. I can see a lot of humor in this author... just wish I could get into the genre.

Point of this: have fun with the Unsuggester on LibraryThing!

1 comment:

theothers23 said...

I love the concept of the Unsuggester. What a reversal of Reader's Advisory--"if you love this book, you'll hate this one"!! Can't see us booktalking that way,'s seriously fun. This is one of the few Web 2.0 project discoveries that I shared with my non-library friends, because I thought it was so amusing.